DMCA / Terms and Conditions

This page will have our DMCA and Terms and Conditions.

We at PopcornTV are not owners or affiliated with the links embedded into this website. We provide the links to websites where you can stream for free.

We are just a search engine that provides users with videos that are always linked. Therefore we are not illegal in any form or way.

The users of this website use this site under their own consent. By visiting this website you accept the DMCA.

If you are concerned in any way or if you are an owner and do not like the fact that your video is on the website, you may contact us.

If a file embedded is illegal, we are not to blame. The owners of these streams are to be blamed. Thank you for accepting the terms and conditions.

Again, we have permission to provide links as an embed code was provided by owners meaning that they want the video to be shared. If this is not the case please contact us and we will take down the video and link.

"embedding copyright-infringing video is not illegal" according to Judge Richard Posner (
